Chrysler 200 Beneath The Surface
To promote the then all new Chrysler 200, we delivered a first-of-its-kind interactive virtual reality experience that showcases how the car is manufactured. We put users into a real vehicle donning the Oculus Rift DK2 headset. The 4-minute VR experience puts the user in the driver's seat to see first-hand how the car is built around them. It first premiered at the LA Auto show before going on a tour around the world, making stops in South Korea, Japan, New York, Detroit, and Chicago. Featured in WIRED, Fast Company and Gizmodo.
Design Lead, UX Design, Concept

Beneath The Surface was the world's first consumer experience to combine live-action 360° video in a game engine.

"Chrysler's Beneath The Surface is the most ambitious virtual reality experience to date. It sets the bar for what's to come." — Oculus

An exploded axonometric of the Chrysler 200's parts become an interface to explore how key components are made.